Make Synology NAS Run Faster?... Default SHR 2 or RAID 6 ????????



SHR2 or RAID10 for 8TB disks - data

2021年8月7日 — SHR2 is safe, but I would recommend RAID10 for both safer and better performing storage. Another approach is to install SSD cache.


2020年3月18日 — I added three more 10TB IronWolf drives, for a total of 8, still in SHR2 and are now getting ~420MB/s writes and ~510MB/s reads. I'm mainly ...

What to expect when converting from SHR to SHR

2022年4月6日 — As was said, you can still use the NAS normally but you'll probably notice some minor performance issues while this processes. I did run on SHR- ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — A minimum of four drives is required to create an SHR-2 storage pool that can sustain two drive failures. If you have already created an SHR-1 ...

什麼是Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) 是Synology 專門的自動化磁碟陣列(RAID) 管理系統,能同時最佳化容量及效能,讓使用者建立較具彈性的儲存方案。 SHR 是一套建立 ...

關於群暉Synology Hybrid RAID 的技術? (第2頁)

SHR 為了使用多出來的空間, 所以是利用類似的方式來處理. RAID 的不同組成部份, 會存在於相同的實體硬碟, 所以效能會變差(風險也相對變大, 不過... 不會浪費原本用不到 ...


2023年12月5日 — 相對一些傳統的RAID等級,SHR的效能可能稍微較低,主要是因為動態分配和容錯能力所帶來的額外運算。 限於Synology NAS SHR的兼容性受限,目前僅能在特定的 ...


2023年9月13日 — Yesterday I set up both systems, using SHR-2 and I'm regretting it. The capacity cost while using SHR-2 is quite high. Seems that a 5 disk NAS ...

SHR2 - How much of a performance impact?

2020年8月26日 — I'm getting around 560MB/s in my 1819+ setup - 8 x 12TB drives SHR2 no encryption.


2021年8月7日—SHR2issafe,butIwouldrecommendRAID10forbothsaferandbetterperformingstorage.AnotherapproachistoinstallSSDcache.,2020年3月18日—Iaddedthreemore10TBIronWolfdrives,foratotalof8,stillinSHR2andarenowgetting~420MB/swritesand~510MB/sreads.I'mmainly ...,2022年4月6日—Aswassaid,youcanstillusetheNASnormallybutyou'llprobablynoticesomeminorperformanceissueswhilethisprocesses.IdidrunonSHR- ...,202...
